I started weaving about four years ago, when I was 16. Mom had just bought a spinning wheel from a lady named Tara, and I went to pick it up with her. Tara had it in her living room, where she also had a loom. Jokingly, I told Mom that since she was learning to spin, maybe I should learn to weave! Tara told us that the loom was for sale, and told us the price, but I told her I had just been kidding, and didn't want it.

Well, we got the spinning wheel and went home, and then I started looking at catalogues to see how much a loom normally cost. To my shock, the looms like Tara's were around five times as much as she was asking. I thought about it, and finally decided I couldn't pass up a deal like that. I bought the loom, Tara loaned me a book to teach me to weave, and I was in business!


How to Weave


About Me

Back to The Jones' Clan

I have woven almost constantly since then, and I really love it. It is so amazing to see thousands of threads arranged in perfect order; so incredible to take a blanket, or towels, or fabric off the loom and remember how not long ago it was just a cone of thread.

I have been asked how long it takes me to finish a project. That depends on the difficulty of a project, and how motivated I am. My fastest project was weaving eight towels - that took five days. My longest project was two baby blankets and three yards of fabric, and that took me around three months. (That project also used somewhere around six miles of thread.)

I have often mentioned how ironic it is that I like weaving. Weaving uses a lot of math, in order to figure how much thread you need, and how to load the loom, and I have always absolutely hated math. It's funny though, I don't mind doing equations to weave, but I couldn't stand doing the same kind of equations for my school. I guess it's because with weaving I can see why I need the math - it has a practical use.